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地域経済の活性化や安定化、また労働者の社会福祉の充実など、人々の生活の向上に寄与する活動を行っている農園、農協のコーヒーを取り扱うことによって、皆様の日々の活動(お買物)が国際貢献に繋がるような、そんな社会と繋がるコーヒーライフを神戸の自家焙煎店ROUND POINT CAFE からお届けします。

We choose coffee based around three key words organic, sustainable and ethical. 
We work to contribute towards stabilizing and revitalizing local economies, with the aim of improving workers quality of life.
By working with agricultural cooperatives and through the support of customers we work as a company to create a better world. We aim to pull the veil between coffee producers and customers.



Life cycle of coffee

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